Welcome to PlantFile Online
This internet based version is available on all platforms and caters for individual users or can be networked through a local server.
PlantFile Online currently has 3,800 species with over 5,200 cultivars that are accompanied with 17,000 photographs. It operates on all platforms and is suitable for southern and northern hemispheres. It allows you to sort, select and identify commonly used plants and print reports. It also covers common pests and diseases with their control methods. It is an ideal resource for students, landscapers or any one with an interest in plants.
Once you subscribe you can access PlantFile online at plantfileonline.net This link is not used for for college servers, students should contact your teacher or librarian to gain the correct access procedure.
Key Features of the new PlantFile Online include:
- You can open PlantFile Online where ever you have internet access by using you user name and password.
- It contains 42 categories of information on each plant including cultivation details, flower, fruit, bark, growth habit, water usage and much more.
- You can select plants simply from the list search or alternately botanic, common or family name.
- It contains comprehensive glossaries with over 400 botanic terms and fundamentals of plant structure, including detailed line drawings.
- Pest & disease information linked to each plant species or can be accessed separately.
- Cutting and pasting capability for colour photos & images and other information for research assignments or reports.
- Up to 5 detailed, images for each plant, clearly showing essential botanical features such as flower, fruit, bark & habit.
- It also has a photo gallery with over 12,000 additional images.
- The simple search allows you to select plants on landscape criteria such as plant use, growth type, water usage, mature height, flower colour and flowering period and much more.
- The advanced search allows you to select plants on botanical features such as leaf shape or flower shape etc.
- There is a quiz in the database that allows you to test your knowledge on plant that have been added to your selected list.
- You can write your own plant profile reports and add your own images. This allows you to build your own database of plants.
- PlantFile Online is regularly updated freely as a part of your subscription.
PlantFile online has been available since 2007 and is currently networked throughout the TAFE and other colleges in NSW, Qld,Tas, SA and Victoria as a study guide for horticulture, landscape and other related studies. It is also accessed by individuals who have an interest in plants.
Below are a collection of short videos to help you navigate PlantFile Online. Onced viewed just click the back button to return.


- For further information,
please contact